Professional services for the federal ministries - summary

the following statement represents a ten year history of the professional services by classification for the federal ministries

data extracted from Public Accounts of Canada, Additonal Information section

 breakdown of main services classification for professional services by Ministry
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Agriculture and Agri-Food 115,753,340 111,005,695 108,063,438 118,045,802 201,097,743 183,890,733 211,625,034 209,181,833 189,449,716 213,071,571
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 0 0 5,405,847 8,763,527 8,212,033 10,211,494 12,270,803 12,971,937 13,858,822 13,343,764
Canada Revenue Agency 384,790,224 354,205,592 354,724,087 347,372,707 348,088,284 332,570,281 347,557,870 349,410,449 332,316,708 340,415,551
Canadian Heritage 57,889,133 46,047,582 54,529,041 54,761,903 52,893,651 62,785,636 70,460,184 104,982,209 104,005,426 95,153,761
Canadian North. Economic Dev. 0 0 2,239,477 2,230,125 0 0 0 0 0 0
Citizenship and Immigration 408,363,778 406,975,047 334,451,313 265,317,070 131,203,616 165,002,664 171,455,630 172,864,612 140,297,166 124,640,383
Economic Dev. Agency for Que. 0 0 4,736,866 4,596,205 4,477,780 4,947,883 6,409,026 5,669,741 5,933,646 5,521,280
Employment and Social Services 640,856,737 614,836,036 628,368,610 636,105,345 643,219,564 612,670,069 558,065,680 526,269,821 519,923,880 487,056,228
Environment 356,258,108 315,332,663 222,982,965 243,204,827 196,187,817 219,756,700 324,147,137 296,651,195 276,430,527 236,257,464
Finance 38,928,612 37,055,950 42,219,222 45,722,829 42,132,088 39,178,371 41,838,867 37,278,489 38,875,909 35,382,806
Fisheries and Oceans 465,058,281 262,047,616 228,950,432 244,177,169 213,340,543 221,075,790 255,415,570 256,494,365 234,440,096 223,222,622
Foreign Affairs and Intl.Trade 269,740,453 252,939,119 258,036,147 263,889,393 290,611,297 277,104,670 299,097,013 287,815,865 286,943,581 281,429,258
Governor General 2,223,640 2,119,791 1,399,548 1,460,616 1,781,887 1,514,500 1,309,307 1,202,937 1,717,797 1,515,198
Health 683,807,689 651,422,985 653,605,450 703,064,366 599,519,336 573,364,503 588,818,209 580,564,949 561,524,569 552,512,328
AAND/Indian Affairs 268,311,882 284,185,156 312,819,770 324,947,405 294,684,229 320,666,984 381,362,462 330,608,711 302,229,955 372,295,143
Industry 449,842,903 298,003,505 272,188,175 252,825,190 269,492,276 507,820,630 398,086,480 368,420,330 322,617,217 287,577,498
Justice 125,852,904 122,065,313 108,900,808 111,255,464 103,689,143 111,039,239 113,430,973 116,640,191 114,092,877 90,351,378
National Defence 3,513,362,774 3,358,579,581 3,179,306,219 3,024,525,017 2,985,361,204 3,246,901,115 2,896,288,771 2,771,324,937 2,613,749,266 2,131,480,854
Natural Resources 131,562,453 232,811,133 342,175,156 327,462,444 294,011,019 289,144,941 331,610,212 311,710,467 265,418,295 248,481,447
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 39,389,918 47,437,653 35,671,514 15,731,688 0 0 0 0 0 0
Parliament 52,936,988 49,437,312 24,625,459 22,351,112 22,344,608 24,553,014 25,534,760 27,455,584 30,119,942 28,976,355
Privy Council 58,782,487 58,076,042 57,435,472 46,432,908 40,335,914 59,365,227 62,227,986 65,408,318 74,074,006 58,869,645
Public Safety and Emergency Prep. 1,066,360,708 1,034,202,524 1,025,748,809 1,035,700,254 1,008,723,087 1,057,489,220 1,108,424,448 1,171,515,783 955,208,654 904,118,821
Public Works and Gov't Services 2,037,786,454 1,857,874,121 1,753,363,522 1,745,289,331 1,678,618,078 1,727,986,464 1,797,062,450 1,664,262,600 1,321,393,539 1,058,656,503
Solicitor General 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transport 130,656,940 154,485,998 168,748,106 135,073,348 116,787,232 169,817,189 198,489,439 198,930,368 208,174,455 184,932,744
Treasury Board 167,151,225 136,221,614 115,612,794 111,248,775 110,956,832 131,581,969 127,957,357 124,724,014 142,195,220 113,357,378
Veterans Affairs 444,589,851 395,606,130 364,091,916 365,757,333 369,413,432 358,421,012 358,748,991 349,174,227 341,874,236 319,156,640
Western Economic Diversification 0 0 5,025,969 4,392,208 4,207,110 5,104,129 6,830,864 7,433,848 8,315,662 7,424,002
TOTAL 11,910,257,482 11,082,974,158 10,665,426,132 10,461,704,361 10,031,389,803 10,713,964,427 10,694,525,523 10,348,967,780 9,405,181,167 8,415,200,622

SUMMARY OF SERVICES breakdown of main services classification for professional services
$millions 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Main Services Classification
Accounting/business 2,000,562,399 1,858,304,608 1,870,217,814 1,785,046,685 1,813,998,574 1,820,770,506 1,848,244,748 1,801,031,256 1,552,709,819 1,272,126,518
Engineering & architectural 3,462,846,349 3,227,186,113 2,727,182,099 2,565,162,691 2,180,729,824 2,384,081,255 2,409,207,413 2,105,975,859 1,789,558,495 1,454,694,922
Health & welfare 1,338,415,135 1,199,715,019 1,127,792,172 1,156,047,986 1,190,253,417 1,205,372,501 1,179,680,479 1,143,101,948 1,061,227,579 974,484,199
Informatics 1,475,324,011 1,288,292,814 1,244,321,737 1,201,465,644 1,076,604,163 1,165,206,254 1,066,736,206 1,110,146,073 1,095,844,494 995,709,824
Interpretation & translation 204,194,508 197,609,036 189,118,880 192,474,123 200,384,273 228,207,353 260,701,763 264,943,338 251,399,391 237,932,829
Legal 461,227,009 430,799,050 441,767,693 473,622,038 462,109,326 500,853,099 468,893,818 397,266,165 362,921,026 400,372,681
Non-professional contracted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Management Consulting 412,722,424 416,392,690 448,782,968 522,039,692 458,732,687 503,941,116 526,026,061 596,951,828 586,871,575 571,321,292
Protection 462,283,766 453,239,712 412,645,499 411,222,152 413,337,986 381,067,351 390,509,263 376,847,863 306,485,624 282,522,565
Scientific 286,700,764 262,268,953 244,269,966 244,661,746 265,917,271 315,307,487 337,459,032 339,203,819 306,982,494 322,846,289
Special fees 79,166,243 73,134,892 64,442,721 67,373,234 72,812,540 78,846,099 92,211,764 90,955,318 107,484,657 103,479,844
Temporary help 122,262,098 132,044,577 135,541,423 154,486,947 165,486,554 205,967,637 229,818,559 269,427,138 317,185,912 310,904,387
Training & educational 330,816,352 323,745,121 320,344,810 338,877,821 374,281,384 428,829,092 441,311,892 427,399,022 434,488,356 388,412,962
Other Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Professional 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 1,273,736,424 1,220,241,573 1,438,998,350 1,349,223,602 1,356,741,804 1,495,514,677 1,443,724,525 1,425,718,153 1,232,021,745 1,100,392,310
TOTAL 11,910,257,482 11,082,974,158 10,665,426,132 10,461,704,361 10,031,389,803 10,713,964,427 10,694,525,523 10,348,967,780 9,405,181,167 8,415,200,622

Last Modified Date: 10/25/2017