First Nations residency details for Nova Scotia

The information on Residency details is extracted from the First Nations Profiles as maintained by AANDC (October 2016)

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territory, Yukon

Residency Details Total -----Registered Population-----
Assigned for Individual Bands of Registered living on living on living off
Number Nova Scotia Population reserves crown land reserve
18 Acadia 1,522 233 3 1,286
20 Annapolis Valley 289 117 0 172
21 Bear River 336 110 0 226
23 Eskasoni 4,428 3,798 1 629
30 Glooscap First Nation 376 96 0 280
26 Membertou 1,486 938 3 545
27 Millbrook 1,818 906 4 908
19 Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation 576 435 0 141
24 Pictou Landing 657 502 0 155
22 Potlotek First Nation 722 584 0 138
25 SIPEKNE'KATIK 2,615 1,319 13 1,283
28 Wagmatcook 843 657 0 186
29 Waycobah First Nation 995 911 2 82
16,663 10,606 26 6,031

Last Modified Date: 04/05/2017