universities sector salary analysis summary

the following reports highlight a summary of Universities public employees earning $100,000+ for the past twelve years

data summarized from Ontario Pubic Sector Salary Disclosure records

Sector summary of Number of Percentage Average Total Amount Paid:
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records Employees Increase Salary plus Salaries plus
for Public Employees of Universities Reported Earning from the Taxable Taxable
  Year $100,000+ previous year Benefits Benefits
UNIVERSITIES 2017 18,616 3.72% 151,972.56 2,829,121,085.24
Employer List for 2017 2016 17,948 5.17% 150,860.01 2,707,635,544.34
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2015 17,065 4.21% 147,924.94 2,524,339,168.96
2014 16,375 5.08% 146,091.08 2,392,241,378.06
2013 15,583 5.96% 144,258.76 2,247,984,320.87
2012 14,706 6.43% 141,990.21 2,088,108,061.87
2011 13,818 7.57% 140,108.42 1,936,018,089.25
2010 12,846 7.88% 137,927.52 1,771,816,921.14
2009 11,908 13.83% 135,845.08 1,617,643,215.02
2008 10,461 11.39% 133,905.28 1,400,783,144.95
2007 9,391 19.95% 131,681.62 1,236,622,136.34
2006 7,829 16.38% 129,348.32 1,012,667,983.60

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Last Modified Date --- 03/28/2018