electricity sector salary analysis summary

the following reports highlight a summary of Hydro/Electricity public employees earning $100,000+ for the past twelve years

data summarized from Ontario Pubic Sector Salary Disclosure records

Sector summary of Number of Percentage Average Total Amount Paid:
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records Employees Increase Salary plus Salaries plus
for Public Employees of Hydro Reported Earning from the Taxable Taxable
  Year $100,000+ previous year Benefits Benefits
ELECTRICITY 2017 7,878 1.91% 146,507.20 1,154,183,716.03
Employer List for 2017 2016 7,730 1.28% 144,369.34 1,115,975,030.05
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2015 7,632 -36.54% 142,006.59 1,083,794,264.40
2014 12,026 2.11% 135,690.76 1,631,817,079.29
2013 11,777 3.70% 137,876.42 1,623,770,589.87
2012 11,357 1.51% 135,934.84 1,543,811,990.47
2011 11,188 5.50% 135,307.88 1,513,824,554.37
2010 10,605 1.18% 134,753.85 1,429,064,588.21
2009 10,481 13.20% 134,976.37 1,414,687,344.63
2008 9,259 10.44% 133,395.35 1,235,107,547.73
2007 8,384 14.18% 131,591.41 1,103,262,409.00
2006 7,343 22.30% 129,758.64 952,817,665.47

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Last Modified Date --- 03/28/2018