Sector summary of |
Number of |
Percentage |
Average |
Total Amount Paid: |
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records |
Employees |
Increase |
Salary plus |
Salaries plus |
for Public Employees of Colleges |
Reported |
Earning |
from the |
Taxable |
Taxable |
Year |
$100,000+ |
previous year |
Benefits |
Benefits |
2017 |
2,350 |
-56.28% |
123,669.26 |
290,622,763.30 |
Employer List for 2017 |
2016 |
5,375 |
9.47% |
114,177.30 |
613,703,013.30 |
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector |
2015 |
4,910 |
6.02% |
113,608.66 |
557,818,499.44 |
2014 |
4,631 |
10.37% |
113,718.05 |
526,628,267.13 |
2013 |
4,196 |
4.48% |
113,075.99 |
474,466,853.93 |
2012 |
4,016 |
12.90% |
112,588.74 |
452,156,386.66 |
2011 |
3,557 |
61.61% |
111,938.67 |
398,165,860.32 |
2010 |
2,201 |
11.11% |
117,149.59 |
257,846,244.98 |
2009 |
1,981 |
79.44% |
117,698.22 |
233,160,170.54 |
2008 |
1,104 |
47.99% |
124,250.73 |
137,172,805.14 |
2007 |
746 |
18.60% |
125,331.85 |
93,497,561.65 |
2006 |
629 |
40.40% |
126,556.54 |
79,604,065.18 |