Sector summary of |
Number of |
Percentage |
Average |
Total Amount Paid: |
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records |
Employees |
Increase |
Salary plus |
Salaries plus |
for Public Employees of the Judiciary |
Reported |
Earning |
from the |
Taxable |
Taxable |
Year |
$100,000+ |
previous year |
Benefits |
Benefits |
2017 |
625 |
1.96% |
206,359.32 |
128,974,574.32 |
Employer List for 2017 |
2016 |
613 |
-0.81% |
208,558.73 |
127,846,503.59 |
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector |
2015 |
618 |
-1.59% |
200,145.09 |
123,689,668.30 |
2014 |
628 |
-0.79% |
202,000.05 |
126,856,033.00 |
2013 |
633 |
0.80% |
191,857.55 |
121,445,828.07 |
2012 |
628 |
1.78% |
188,819.46 |
118,578,622.39 |
2011 |
617 |
0.33% |
186,529.38 |
115,088,630.16 |
2010 |
615 |
0.65% |
181,470.04 |
111,604,072.35 |
2009 |
611 |
-1.29% |
179,096.60 |
109,428,023.85 |
2008 |
619 |
90.46% |
201,036.22 |
124,441,417.48 |
2007 |
325 |
6.56% |
218,147.43 |
70,897,915.18 |
2006 |
305 |
-40.31% |
209,916.74 |
64,024,606.71 |