legislative assembly and offices sector salary analysis summary

the following reports highlight a summary of Legislative Assembly public employees earning $100,000+ for the past twelve years

data summarized from Ontario Pubic Sector Salary Disclosure records

Sector summary of Number of Percentage Average Total Amount Paid:
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records Employees Increase Salary plus Salaries plus
for Public Employees of the Legislative Assembly Reported Earning from the Taxable Taxable
  Year $100,000+ previous year Benefits Benefits
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND OFFICES 2017 329 23.22% 134,459.34 44,237,123.24
Employer List for 2017 2016 267 10.33% 135,385.15 36,147,834.80
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2015 242 -3.97% 135,984.25 32,908,188.41
2014 252 8.15% 133,898.06 33,742,312.20
2013 233 -5.28% 135,005.49 31,456,278.22
2012 246 8.37% 134,396.61 33,061,564.84
2011 227 1.34% 136,072.97 30,888,565.17
2010 224 6.67% 138,088.38 30,931,798.22
2009 210 2.94% 139,408.65 29,275,816.16
2008 204 10.87% 138,781.37 28,311,398.51
2007 184 22.67% 135,225.80 24,881,547.50
2006 150 70.45% 123,140.51 18,471,076.87

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Last Modified Date --- 03/28/2018