crown agencies sector salary analysis summary

the following reports highlight a summary of Crown Agencies public employees earning $100,000+ for the past twelve years

data summarized from Ontario Pubic Sector Salary Disclosure records

Sector summary of Number of Percentage Average Total Amount Paid:
Public Sector Salary Disclosure Records Employees Increase Salary plus Salaries plus
for Public Employees of Crown Agencies Reported Earning from the Taxable Taxable
  Year $100,000+ previous year Benefits Benefits
CROWN AGENCIES 2017 5,840 23.15% 133,440.12 779,290,274.55
Employer List for 2017 2016 4,742 9.57% 135,141.10 640,839,085.10
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2015 4,328 10.72% 135,456.24 586,254,619.58
2014 3,909 14.50% 135,720.95 530,533,178.75
2013 3,414 7.19% 137,637.92 469,895,873.21
2012 3,185 9.60% 138,073.90 439,765,356.16
2011 2,906 -2.91% 138,365.27 402,089,488.24
2010 2,993 1.39% 138,096.19 413,321,881.70
2009 2,952 15.31% 138,573.87 409,070,050.75
2008 2,560 30.41% 144,798.38 370,683,844.21
2007 1,963 12.62% 144,644.51 283,937,173.68
2006 1,743 18.89% 145,525.90 253,651,645.75

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Last Modified Date --- 04/03/2018