Acquisitions made by the Citizenship and Immigration Ministry

the following statements represent the acquisitions made by this ministry for the past ten years

data extracted from Public Accounts of Canada

Acquisitions made by  Citizenship and Immigration
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Machinery and Equipment
Transportation machinery/equipment 35,645 1,613 63,050 52,649 2,874 7,869 90,798 56,679 46,382 94,873
Ammunitions/weapons - - - - - - - - - -
Communications equipment 872,014 700,287 824,477 2,798,337 1,119,908 457,978 2,109,005 7,030,407 727,748 951,818
Computer equipment/software 6,640,847 9,662,254 10,837,723 10,490,902 6,249,638 4,493,252 8,735,336 14,427,655 6,177,741 8,121,686
Specialized equipment 217,234 463,286 163,155 637,072 269,474 283,333 282,197 208,009 398,173 246,126
Furniture/fixtures 2,147,011 3,890,861 3,039,817 2,183,708 2,512,570 1,616,676 2,402,888 3,353,679 2,623,181 1,920,294
Industrial machinery/equipment - - - - - - - - - -
Other office equipment 1,182,074 345,068 930,202 2,283,582 1,284,295 372,891 1,989,641 2,017,603 679,662 2,261,892
Other machinery/equipment 168,605 164,802 143,360 186,381 45,115 59,563 127,711 73,374 92,641 97,817
Sub-total Machinery Equipment 11,263,430 15,228,171 16,001,784 18,632,631 11,483,874 7,291,562 15,737,576 27,167,406 10,745,528 13,694,506
Land, Buildings and Works
Land - - - - - - - - - -
Engineering works - - - - - - - - - -
Non-residential buildings - - - - - - - - - -
Residential buildings - - - - - - - - - -
Sub-total Land, Buildings and Works - - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total of Acquisitions 11,263,430 15,228,171 16,001,784 18,632,631 11,483,874 7,291,562 15,737,576 27,167,406 10,745,528 13,694,506

Last Modified Date: 10/21/2017