Province of Ontario net annual surplus (deficit)

the following statement reflects Ontario's net annual surplus (deficit) for the past ten years

data extracted from the schedules in the Ontario Public Accounts

see Ontario's accumulated deficit

TOTAL REVENUES 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06
Personal Income Taxes 29,313 26,929 25,574 24,548 23,711 23,393 25,738 24,538 23,655 21,041
Retail Sales Taxes 21,689 20,481 20,957 20,159 18,813 17,059 17,021 16,976 16,228 15,554
Other Taxes 31,273 32,556 32,887 30,891 29,140 24,479 26,097 26,918 24,427 23,322
Government of Canada 21,615 22,277 21,661 21,305 23,041 18,620 16,591 16,597 14,036 13,251
Income from Government Enterprises 5,615 5,337 4,469 4,413 4,566 4,195 4,042 4,437 4,196 4,308
Other 9,041 8,331 7,821 8,457 7,904 8,047 7,444 7,656 7,855 6,749
Total Revenue 118,546 115,911 113,369 109,773 107,175 95,793 96,933 97,122 90,397 84,225
sCHEDULE 2 - ontario expenses for the years ended march 31
TOTAL EXPENSES 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06
Transfer Payments 100,857 97,729 97,853 96,907 105,071 88,674 80,060 73,875 66,571 62,636
Interest on Debt 10,635 10,572 10,341 10,082 9,480 8,719 8,566 8,914 8,831 9,019
Salaries and Wages 6,328 6,216 6,102 6,205 6,049 5,739 5,515 5,130 4,707 4,477
Services 4,695 4,010 3,525 2,999 3,114 3,184 3,260 3,091 3,202 2,747
Pensions/Employee Future Benefits 1,835 2,209 2,786 2,174 2,034 1,496 1,214 1,104 1,162 1,240
Power Purchases 950 1,296 1,323 1,375 1,288 1,409 953 929 863 803
Amortization: Tangible Capital Assets 1,841 1,808 1,494 1,369 1,226 1,085 988 880 838 815
Supplies and Equipment 853 817 720 730 795 735 1,028 924 858 794
Employee Benefits 985 975 960 907 796 780 725 739 636 573
Transportation and Communication 352 353 348 304 405 414 401 485 322 445
Power Consumer Price Protection Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acquisition/Construction of Physical Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest on Debt re Electricity Sector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Increase in Net Assets of Broader Public Sector 0 0 0 0 0 0 727 610 340 449
Organizations on Provincial Expenses 1,861 820 3,813 2,021 10,405 1,579 0 0 0 0
Other Transactions 1,391 1,199 950 1,711 1,333 4,399 1,359 1,061 478 827
Total Expenditure 128,861 126,364 122,589 122,742 121,186 115,055 103,342 96,522 88,128 83,927
ANNUAL (DEFICIT) SURPLUS 10,315 10,453 9,220 12,969 14,011 19,262 6,409 600 2,269 298

Last Modified Date: 04/05/2017