Province of Ontario abbreviated financial statements

the following excludes notes and schedules and represents a ten year history of Ontario's Abbreviated Financial Statements

data extracted from the Ontario Public Accounts

Province of Ontario 10-year history of abbreviated financial statements
Abbreviated Statement of Operations
$millions$ 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Total Taxation 94,346 91,818 82,275 79,966 79,418 75,598 71,147 64,931 62,395 68,432
Government of Canada transfers 24,544 22,857 21,615 22,277 21,661 21,305 23,041 18,620 16,591 16,597
Government Business Enterprises 5,567 4,909 5,615 5,337 4,469 4,413 4,566 4,195 4,042 4,437
Other 16,277 8,793 9,041 8,331 7,821 8,457 7,904 8,047 7,444 7,656
Total Revenues 140,734 127,377 118,546 115,911 113,369 109,773 106,658 95,793 90,472 97,122
Less Total Expenses 141,725 133,406 128,861 126,364 122,589 122,742 120,669 115,055 96,881 96,522
Annual Deficit -991 -5,029 -10,315 -10,453 -9,220 -12,969 -14,011 -19,262 -6,409 600
Abbreviated Statement of Financial Position
$millions$ 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Category —
Liabilities 395,430 388,710 367,627 344,571 331,381 304,748 282,938 253,630 196,616 185,519
Financial Assets 93,782 83,477 83,051 77,381 79,293 69,166 68,427 60,041 43,291 43,101
Net Debt— -301,648 -305,233 -284,576 -267,190 -252,088 -235,582 -214,511 -193,589 -153,325 -142,418
Non-Financial Assets 108,138 102,536 97,065 90,556 84,956 77,172 69,938 62,632 40,087 36,801
Accumulated Deficit -193,510 -202,697 -187,511 -176,634 -167,132 -158,410 -144,573 -130,957 -113,238 -105617
Abbreviated Statement of Change in Net Debt
$millions$ 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Net Debt at Beginning of Year -305,233 -284,576 -267,190 -252,088 -235,582 -214,511 -193,589 -169,585 -142,418 -141,100
Annual (Deficit) Surplus -991 -5,029 -10,315 -10,453 -9,220 -12,969 -14,011 -19,262 -6,409 600
Other Activities 4,576 -15,628 -7,071 -4,649 -7,286 -8,102 -6,911 -4,742 -4,498 -1,918
Net Debt at End of Year -301,648 -305,233 -284,576 -267,190 -252,088 -235,582 -214,511 -193,589 -153,325 -142,418
Abbreviated Statement of Change in Accumulated Deficit
$millions$ 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Restated Accumulated Deficit at Beginning of Year -193,727 -196,665 -178,317 -167,132 -158,551 -145,438 -130,957 -112,785 -105,617 -105,282
Annual Deficit -991 -5,029 -10,315 -10,453 -9,220 -12,969 -14,011 -19,262 -6,409 600
Increase in Fair Value of Ontario Nuclear Funds 1,094 -1,003 1,121 951 639 -3 395 1,090 -1,212 -935
Other 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Accumulated Deficit at End of Year -193,510 -202,697 -187,511 -176,634 -167,132 -158,410 -144,573 -130,957 -113,238 -105,617
Abbreviated Statement of Cash Flow
$millions$ 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Cash Applied to Operating Transactions 1,268 -1,364 -8,298 -9,947 -4,831 -11,443 -7,847 -19,978 -6,743 -35
Cash Applied to Capital Transactions -9,894 -10,747 -11,043 -9,945 -11,637 -10,928 -10,629 -9,014 -4,221 -3,349
Cash Provided by Investing Transactions 6,186 -2,145 -11,043 -9,945 -11,637 -10,928 -10,629 -9,014 -4,221 -3,349
Cash Provided by Financing Transactions 5,241 12,663 20,167 15,287 25,128 21,360 24,673 35,744 14,698 4,906
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 16,401 13,600 15,193 12,744 18,497 16,380 17,572 12,751 5,746 4,001
Net Cash Surplus (Deficit) 19,202 -1,593 -10,217 -14,550 -2,977 -11,939 -4,432 -2,262 -487 -1,827

Last Modified Date: 09/18/2017